Monday, September 3, 2007

Instantaneous Transformation: My Introduction

I’ve never met people like Ariel & Shya Kane. When I first started attending their workshops over a year ago, I just happened to stumble upon the Kanes and Transformation from an invite of a newfound friend, who’s now a great friend. At the first Monday Night Alive that I attended, there was so much was resonating with what the Kanes were talking about in their lifestyle and their way of being.

A lot of it was confusing too, because my mind was trying to figure everything out. In working with the Kanes, I’m learning that there’s nothing to figure out, nothing to do, just see things non-judgmentally and they resolve themselves. I’m learning to live what used to only be a concept: things like not letting complaint run your life; that every moment can be alive; that what you think you want may or may not make you happy, but wanting what you have can instantly gratify. These ideas were totally foreign to me. Now it’s becoming such a regular way of being, it’s wild. One that pops up more and more is integrity and keeping to your word. The Kanes have integrity down like I haven't seen before.

I always heard phrases like “don’t take things personally” and “you’re good enough” but they were only passing words, not actually experiences of life. Now they’re becoming regular experiences too. I tried to make myself believe those things, say affirmations in my mind when I was down, tried to do many things, techniques, etc. But all those are difficult, time consuming, slow and in the area of “change”.

Transformation happens in an instant, where judgments about you, others and the world drop away and new possibilities that were unseen open up. It also addresses living life intuitively, without thinking about what you should or should be doing.

There are three principles to Instantaneous Transformation:

1) What you resist, persists, grows stronger and dominates your life

2) No two things can occupy the same space at the same time OR You can only be EXACTLY as you are, or were, in any given moment of now

3) Anything that you see without judging will complete itself

If you’re interested in leaning more about Transformation, I recommend starting with “Working on Yourself Doesn’t Work” My mom loves it. Seriously! The audio version is great too. The best is to come to a Monday Night Alive though, to get the experience in person. And it's a blast, you don't have to do anything or be anyone other that you are. Cheers.

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