Thursday, September 6, 2007

"Take Your Attention Off Yourself"

Do you notice how much your attention is on you? Really, take a look and see. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, but follow along with me here if you will.

You know those conversations in your head about how you’re doing, how you’re feeling, how you look, what does this person think of ME, am I doing well, am I doing poorly…(chatter, chatter, chatter). It's just a bunch of mind chatter, that’s all, that you don’t have to listen to it.

I know that when I have the "how am I doing" conversation (and I have it often) it really takes up a lot of time where I could be enjoying life more, be getting more done, and be more effective at what I'm doing, all at the same time. Those this conversation happens often, it doesn't last very long as I get more trained in the skill set of Transformation. So what do I do? Not much, just notice, laugh and bring my attention to what's happening in the present.

Did I mention lightness? I love when the Kanes talk about how the middle part of the "Enlightenment" is "light". A key ingredient to Transformation, I think!

I invite you to play a game and see if you can notice throughout your day if you do this. If you catch your attention on you, simply bring it back to whatever is it that your doing, and if your doing nothing, stare at the wall, or the tree. I’m serious…really look at the textures, colors, tones, listen to the silence or swaying.

Below is a great podcast where The Kanes talk with Susan at their Self-Discovery Course. They’re having a great conversation about your attention off yourself, trying to be something instead of just being, and not working on yourself.

You can listen to the podcast here.

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David - said...
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